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Channels: Document-Generation-Videos

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13 videos match your search.
Jeff Bryant
The Wolfram Demonstrations Project provides an easy-to-use template for creating interactive presentations that can be used by anyone with Mathematica or the free Wolfram CDF Player. Learn more in this "...
Eric Schulz
Mathematica's slide shows are ideal for use in the classroom and can be leveraged quickly as a lesson or lecture. Any presentation created with Mathematica can display live interactive content ...
You can create and present slide shows directly from within Mathematica. Mathematica-based presentations can contain interactive interfaces and live computations, letting your audience see the effects of changes to parameters in real time. Learn more ...
Faisal Whelpley
Mathematica notebooks consist of sequences of cells, which can be nested. The hierarchy of cells serves as a structure for organizing information in a notebook as well as specifying its ...
Faisal Whelpley
Mathematica notebooks provide a state-of-the-art technical document system as well as being the primary working environment. The tools for creating publication-quality documents include extensive capabilities for formatting and structuring text. ...
This tutorial screencast shows how to encrypt your code for deployment using the Encode command on a package.
David Mitchell
You may want to export data from Mathematica to a spreadsheet. Excel is one example of a common spreadsheet format that Mathematica supports. Learn more in this "How to" screencast.
Nick Gaskill
You may wish to save your work in a format other than the default Mathematica notebook for sharing or publication. Mathematica has a very robust system for exporting your documents to PDF, a popular file format. Learn more in this "How ...
Nick Gaskill
Mathematica notebooks provide a sophisticated environment for creating technical documents. In addition to typesetting within Mathematica, you can use Mathematica to generate TeX files that contain both mathematical equations and ...
Lou D'Andria
Content in a Mathematica notebook is organized in cells. Each cell has a cell bracket that appears along the right edge of the notebook window. Markings on a cell bracket ...
David Mitchell
Mathematica allows you to control font sizes of text, math, and graphics for clarity, compactness, or personal preference. You can choose styles for individual characters, whole documents, or application defaults, ...
Faisal Whelpley
Mathematica notebooks can have headers and footers that are displayed when the notebook is printed but hidden when it's onscreen. Headers and footers can contain fixed text or dynamic objects ...
Faisal Whelpley
While some cells in Mathematica are not visible, they can still be selected for editing and modification. Selecting cells without visible cell brackets works just like selecting their visible counterparts. ...