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Representing and Finding Mathematical Theorems

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1311 videos match your search.
篤 宮澤 (Atsushi Miyazawa)
This modern abstact geometry talk presents imaginary and infinitely distant elements using Mathematica's advanced pattern matching and rewriting capabilities. Our goal is to contribute to a correct understanding of complex ...
Atsushi Miyazawa
Piotr Wendykier and Sean Cheren
Efficient data import and representation is a key to any data science project dealing with large datasets. This talk will discuss import and export of Parquet, Arrow IPC and CSV ...
Fahim Chandurwala
Fahim Chandurwala
Fahim Chandurwala
A Wolfram Research developer who worked on financial computation functionality in Mathematica 8 gives an overview of some of the features at the Wolfram Technology Conference 2010. This is part 1 of the 2...
A Wolfram Research developer who worked on financial computation functionality in Mathematica 8 gives an overview of some of the features at the Wolfram Technology Conference 2010. This is part 2 of the 2...
Fahim Chandurwala
Fahim Chandurwala
Wolfram Finance Platform accesses live market data feeds from data providers. Integrating these feeds with Wolfram technologies lets users incorporate real-time computation and monitor market behavior. This talk covers calls ...
Fahim Chandurwala
Anmol Bajracharya
Brenton Bostick
Paritosh Mokhasi
Adam Strzebonski
Mathematica 13.3 contains new functionality for computation over finite fields, including finite field arithmetic, mappings and polynomial computations. The upcoming version adds linear algebra and equation solving. In my talk, I ...
Tim Shedelbower
One of many wonderful components waiting to be discovered in Wolfram Language is powerful graphics. I will share some of my techniques developed to harness this power for documentation illustrations and marketing images. Learn style, lighting ...
Andrew Steinacher
Andrew Steinacher
Food IV15:55
Micah Lindley & Andrew Steinacher
Brenton Bostick
Brenton Bostick presents the new CodeFormatter paclet for formatting Wolfram Language code, showing the parameters that can be adjusted and what the resulting code looks like. The formatter is demonstrated ...