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Modeling Acoustics with Differential Equations

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Anthony Zupnik
NotebookTemplating is a paclet for creating repeatable documents using templates. This talk will give a brief overview of how the paclet works, focusing more on how Wolfram and other companies ...
Sahithi Cherukuri
This reusable LSTM-based household diagnostic decreases misdiagnoses of CVDs (the cause of 32% of deaths) and can reduce thousands of tons of medical waste daily. The 83.8% diagnosing accuracy and 93.3% overall functionality ...
Niko Erä-Esko
When developing a new aircraft, there are many different subcontractors involved for designing and manufacturing different components of the aircraft.
But how is each part tested before all the ...
Ed Pegg
A previously unknown substitution tiling can be built from powers 0 to 4 of a complex root of x^3 == x^2 + 1. In this talk, Ed Pegg discusses how algebraic numbers and barycentric coordinates ...
Itai Seggev
This talk surveys multiple changes made to Mathematica up to this point to make the software an even better tool for introductory mathematics instruction.
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Prof. Mr. Tsuchiya
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Yves Klett
In this talk from the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011, Yves Klett from the Institute of Aircraft Design & University of Stuttgart, Germany, shares a few mechanical engineering examples that make good use ...
Davi C. Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Michael Gamer
An in depth analysis using The Wolfram Language on over six million Google search results prior to the German election in September 2017.
Frantisek Latal
Galina Filipuk
In this presentation, University of Warsaw professors share their experiences of several years teaching an analysis course using Mathematica. The presenters give examples of problems where Mathematica is used effectively ...
Daniel Carvalho, MSc. Computer Engineering
There are lots of interesting public web APIs that can be used to obtain images for tests and training with artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. We will see an ...
Swede White
Diego Zviovich
Microsoft Flight Simulator™ has been with us since the early '80s. We will show how the Wolfram Language can be used to pull simulation data from this fabulous game ...
Rohan Mehta
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has expanded to include several shows on the Disney+ streaming platform, allowing Marvel to experiment with different styles. Ms. Marvel in particular has received a range of opinions, with some claiming that it has been review-bombed. To examine this claim, I used the tools ...
Maureen Baehr & Ben Kickert
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