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Tech Talks 2018: Wolfram Client Library for Python

Riccardo Di Virgilio talks with us about Wolfram Client Library for Python.

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严密博士 (Wolfram 技术工程师)
Mathematica 是一个高级集成的系统,支持多种编程范式,友好的用户界面便于快速编写代码,也支持大型软件库的开发。其内置庞大的可计算知识库,可轻松访问处理来自许多领域的策选数据。Mathematica 强大的符号和数值混合引擎在科学计算中有着广泛的应用。Mathematica 更可进行高质量的多域可视化和数据的统计分析。本次讲座将介绍在数值和符号计算、数据处理、可视化、机器学习、图像处理和控制系统等领域的应用范例。
Виктория Карабанова, Илья Марчевский
Andre Kuzniarek, Jeremy Sykes
Alison Kimball & Emma Yang
Bernat Espigule-Pons
Paritosh Mokhasi

This talk will give an overview of the various optimization functions that can be used to solve a wide variety of convex, nonconvex and multidomain problems. The Wolfram optimization functionality will be demonstrated using a diverse set of examples. Visiting this talk ...
Jonathan Gorard
Max Piskunov
Rob Raguet-Schofield & Jason Harris
Rob Raguet-Schofield
Andre Kuzniarek
Andy Hunt
Bryan Minor
Mads Bahrami and Nikolay Murzin
The Wolfram Quantum Framework provides a comprehensive solution for quantum computation, integrated with Mathematica and Wolfram Language. Users can model quantum circuits and algorithms while also connecting with external quantum ...
Mads Bahrami, Nikolay Murzin
Keren Garcia
Bradley Ashby
Ryan Heo & Likith Palabindela
杨圣汇 (Wolfram 开发)
System Modeler 通过易于使用的图形界面来构建复杂的工程/物理/生物/化学模型,并且可以无缝的与 Mathematica 进行交互和数据共享。本讲座将介绍如何在实际工程中建模,设计模块,应用求解器以及产生可视化的完整流程,为用户下一步具体应用该软件,设计优化的解决方案打下基础。
Andrea Griffin