Contribute FEM Programmatic Utilities
Collaborate with Wolfram Research and fellow Wolfram Language enthusiasts on the open source Finite Element AddOns.
Download and install the latest community-driven FEMAddOns from GitHub.
Once installed, to get an overview of the functionality provided, search for "FEMAddOns" in the help system.
To explore the functionality provided, load the paclet.
Generate a structured quadrilateral mesh.
Generate structured hexahedron meshes in 3D.
Convert triangular meshes to quadrilateral meshes. First, generate a triangle element mesh.
Convert the triangle mesh to a quadrilateral mesh.
Use DistMesh to create a smoothed, refined mesh.
Run a domain decomposition solver on a cluster with several compute kernels.
Visualize a domain decomposed mesh.
All functions have extensive documentation that can be inspected in the help system in the usual manner once the paclet is installed.