85 videos match your search.
David Vaccaro In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, David Vaccaro shares his experiences in creating computer-based math lesson plans. The presentation includes success stories from two of his students, ... |
Marcus du Sautoy Marcus du Sautoy presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Paul Wilmott Paul Wilmott presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Tim Oates Tim Oates presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Charles Fadel Charles Fadel presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Stephen Byrne Stephen Byrne, Director and Founder of the Heritage World Press, discusses his views on how touchscreen technology will change the future of mathematics education at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Michael Borcherds Michael Borcherds, Lead Developer at the International GeoGebra Institute, demonstrates the organization's mathematics education software at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Gary Bitter At The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Gary Bitter, a Professor at the International Society for Technology in Education and Arizona State University, discusses what to look for in math-related apps and how they can enhance the teaching ... |
Mark Braley Mark Braley, an Education Training Consultant at Texas Instruments UK, shares his thoughts on how to develop mathematical understanding with the use of technology during The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Jon McLoone At The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Jon McLoone, a member of the Technical Communication and Strategy Group at Wolfram Research, shares some ways to use Mathematica technologies in the classroom. |
Martin Hadley Martin Hadley demonstrates how Wolfram's state-of-the-art technologies can be used to advance Computer-Based Math™ education in this presentation from The Computer-Based Math Education Summit. |
Scott Gray Scott Gray, Director of Making Math at O'Reilly Media, demonstrates his approach to computer-based mathematics at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Jo Evershed Jo Evershed gives her views on the growing need for STEM understanding and communication by sharing how IndexMatch, a financial modeling education program, is bridging the gap between formal mathematical ... |
David Stern In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, David Stern takes a look at how different educational initiatives around the world are adapting to produce students with the STEM ... |
Caroline Waters OBE Caroline Waters OBE presents a business's perspective of the changing skill set requirements for potential employees, including the need for strong STEM skills and understanding, in this video from The ... |
Kyle McCormick, James Thompson, Bree Berman, Maria Droujkova, and Michael Corkery In this video, some of The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit attendees share their thoughts on the discussions and debates that took place at the event, as well as future directions. |
by Conrad Wolfram A groundbreaking book that exposes why maths education is failing worldwide and presents the fix as a fundamentally new mainstream subject.
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Ralph Lucas In this video from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Ralph Lucas, a Legislator in the UK House of Lords, shares his thoughts on the role of government in the future ... |
Graham Brown-Martin In this video from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Graham Brown-Martin, Founder of Learning Without Frontiers, shares his thoughts on the role of government in the future of STEM education. |