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Channels: Computer-Based Math™

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85 videos match your search.
David Vaccaro
In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, David Vaccaro shares his experiences in creating computer-based math lesson plans. The presentation includes success stories from two of his students, ...
Marcus du Sautoy
Marcus du Sautoy presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Paul Wilmott
Paul Wilmott presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Tim Oates
Tim Oates presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Charles Fadel
Charles Fadel presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Stephen Byrne
Stephen Byrne, Director and Founder of the Heritage World Press, discusses his views on how touchscreen technology will change the future of mathematics education at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Michael Borcherds
Michael Borcherds, Lead Developer at the International GeoGebra Institute, demonstrates the organization's mathematics education software at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Gary Bitter
At The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Gary Bitter, a Professor at the International Society for Technology in Education and Arizona State University, discusses what to look for in math-related apps and how they can enhance the teaching ...
Mark Braley
Mark Braley, an Education Training Consultant at Texas Instruments UK, shares his thoughts on how to develop mathematical understanding with the use of technology during The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Jon McLoone
At The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Jon McLoone, a member of the Technical Communication and Strategy Group at Wolfram Research, shares some ways to use Mathematica technologies in the classroom.
Martin Hadley
Martin Hadley demonstrates how Wolfram's state-of-the-art technologies can be used to advance Computer-Based Math™ education in this presentation from The Computer-Based Math Education Summit.
Scott Gray
Scott Gray, Director of Making Math at O'Reilly Media, demonstrates his approach to computer-based mathematics at The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011.
Jo Evershed
Jo Evershed gives her views on the growing need for STEM understanding and communication by sharing how IndexMatch, a financial modeling education program, is bridging the gap between formal mathematical ...
David Stern
In this talk from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, David Stern takes a look at how different educational initiatives around the world are adapting to produce students with the STEM ...
Caroline Waters OBE
Caroline Waters OBE presents a business's perspective of the changing skill set requirements for potential employees, including the need for strong STEM skills and understanding, in this video from The ...
Kyle McCormick, James Thompson, Bree Berman, Maria Droujkova, and Michael Corkery
In this video, some of The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit attendees share their thoughts on the discussions and debates that took place at the event, as well as future directions.
by Conrad Wolfram
A groundbreaking book that exposes why maths education is failing worldwide and presents the fix as a fundamentally new mainstream subject.

Learn more by visiting
Ralph Lucas
In this video from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Ralph Lucas, a Legislator in the UK House of Lords, shares his thoughts on the role of government in the future ...
Graham Brown-Martin
In this video from The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011, Graham Brown-Martin, Founder of Learning Without Frontiers, shares his thoughts on the role of government in the future of STEM education.