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Mathematica and Computational Thinking Applied to Engineering
Gustavo Restrepo, Ph.D, Javier Guevara
In this talk, the start-up company Exergetika will show part of their solutions developed in Mathematica for engineering projects in oil and gas, energy efficiency analysis and chemical industries and will explain how they have taken advantage of unique and special features of Mathematica to interactively present and explain engineering results and definitions to consumers and also as part of education and training processes.
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陆玉柱博士 (Wolfram 资深界面开发) 本次演讲主要概览简介 Mathematica 图形图像语言及相关主要功能,包括:2D/3D 图元、指令、选项,以及软件内置的交换编辑功能,比如:绘图面板、Image/Image3D 工具条、上下文菜单等。本次演讲还将介绍一些 Mathematica 最新支持的图形图像功能,比如:自定义坐标轴(AxisObject)、基于物理模型的光照渲染(MaterialShading)、实心模型渲染(CSGRegion)、二维投影渲染(DropShadowing)及客户自定义图形显示等。 |
Filip Švrček Filip Švrček, an assistant professor in the department of algebra and geometry, faculty of sciences, at Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, shared classroom examples that demonstrate the power ... |
Roger Germundsson, John Fultz, and Tom Wickham-Jones Mathematica 8 introduced powerful new advances in technical computing. At the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011, the Wolfram directors who led the development of these new capabilities presented a Mathematica 8 Year in Review. |
Gustavo Restrepo, Ph.D, Javier Guevara In this talk, the start-up company Exergetika will show part of their solutions developed in Mathematica for engineering projects in oil and gas, energy efficiency analysis and chemical industries and ... |
Jorge Ramirez |
Keehong Song |
Theodore Gray In this video from the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011, Theodore Gray gives an inside look at how the digital publishing company Touch Press uses Mathematica in its current and future ebooks. |
Konstantin Kouptsov Konstantin Kouptsov discusses features of the Mathematica command line interface in this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference. |
Todd Gayley In this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference, Todd Gayley provides an overview of the main connectivity tools in Mathematica and shares guidelines about deciding which one is right for ... |
Michael Ulrey/Jeffery Musiak |
Rebekah Gilbert This talk highlights improvements made to the Mathematica-based math courses at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Three changes are highlighted: new, instructive homework assignments were created; modular assignments were ... |
Robert Yerex Robert Yerex, chief economist at Kronos and creator of the Retail Labor Index, explained how he uses Mathematica to develop effective multidimensional infographics about trends in employment and retail sales ... |
Sabine Fischer |
Cliff Hasting, Kelvin Mischo Mathematica Online provides a browser-based environment to access notebooks with no installation or plugin, making it a nice complement to a local installation of Mathematica and allowing the user to access it from any internet-enabled device (laptop, Chromebook, iPad, etc.). Especially in today's world of online or hybrid courses and remote work, having access to and knowledge of how to utilize Mathematica Online along with Mathematica Desktop is instrumental so work is not slowed or stopped by lack of ... |
Nikolay Brodskiy Nikolay describes how Mathematica Online became a learning environment for students in his calculus class and how it transformed the way he teaches the course. |
Jan Poeschko This talk is about how we put Mathematica on the web, from its early beginnings to our future plans for the Wolfram Cloud. Jan Poeschko discuss some challenges with implementing the notebook interface in web browsers, current limitations of the typesetting editor and how to work around them as a user. You will also learn a few things about the cloud object system, which is the basis for dealing with files in ... |
Yuzhu Lu This presentation covers new features of Mathematica 2D- and 3D-graphics. It also explores examples and applications using these new features. |
Anton Antonov |
長尾 秀行 国立スポーツ科学センターの長尾秀行氏は,スポーツ科学分野におけるバイオメカニクス的分析にMathematicaを活用している.この講演では,ウエイトリフティング競技における身体運動の3次元動作解析,バーベルの軌跡のオートトラッキング,さらに最新の機械学習を用いた分析範囲の同定などを紹介する.
Adam Strzebonski |