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医用機能画像による診断 Mathematicaの適用可能性を探る

放射性医薬品をトレーサとして用いる医用画像診断法があり,臓器や病変の血流,機能,代謝,神経伝達などを画像化できる.金沢大学 先進予防医学研究科・機能画像人工知能学 教授の中島氏は,この診断には定量が不可欠であり,Mathematicaを診断モデルの作成にも応用できるという


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Mads (Mohammad) Bahrami
Mads (Mohammad) Bahrami
In this video, we review concepts of quantum basis and quantum state (in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space) and how to implement them in the Wolfram Quantum Framework. We also discuss the basis transformation. For more info and examples, please visit ...
Mads (Mohammad) Bahrami
In this video, we review the quantum measurement operator and quantum measurement in the Wolfram Quantum Framework. We discuss the implementation of both projective measurements and also POVMs. For more ...
Mads (Mohammad) Bahrami
In this video, we show how one can construct a quantum circuit using the Wolfram Quantum Framework. We discuss the implementation of some examples such as quantum teleportation. For more ...
Mads (Mohammad) Bahrami
In this video, we review our multi-part discussion of the Wolfram Quantum Framework and discuss how it works, how to define relevant objects (such as a quantum circuit) and how ...
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This session covers new and enhanced functionality for geographics, visualization, graphs, dates and time.