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Why Should I Use FMI?

From development and testing to model storage and exchange, the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard provides a seamless workflow for dynamic system modeling and simulation.

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Channels: Wolfram SystemModeler

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86 videos match your search.
Learn the basics of simulation in System Modeler. Understand your model by exploring different plots and comparing scenarios. Store the plot in your model for distribution to your friends, colleagues ...
This System Modeler simulation highlights how precisely applied forces, or boosts, are crucial for the desired orbital path, emphasizing that even small deviations can greatly affect the mission's course.
The FMI standard facilitates an effective way for the exchange of models between Wolfram System Modeler and other FMI-compatible tools. If you would like to share your model with another ...
Navigate through models in Wolfram System Modeler with several new convenience features. Go directly to the component declaration, jump to relevant class documentation or find a component in the class ...
With System Modeler 14.0, snap to intersections between plot curves when adding measurements. Choose a default plot theme for all plots. Use and save log scales on axes.
Leonardo Laguna Ruiz
This talk shows hands-on examples of integrating models from SystemModeler with different deployment options, such as FMI, TCP/IP, and Arduino.
Manipulate parameters and inputs to see their effect on simulation in real time.
Jan Brugrd
Jan Brugrd uses a series of examples to introduce Wolfram SystemModeler, the most complete physical modeling and simulation tool, in this presentation from the Wolfram Technology Conference.
Malte Lenz
This talk shows how new Mathematica and Wolfram Language features can be used to enhance the design and analysis workflow for SystemModeler users.
Jan Brugård
This example-driven screencast from the Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2011 shows how to develop models of complex systems using drag-and-drop with the Wolfram MathModelica software, and illustrates how to take the ...
Andrew Moylan
This project course from the Wolfram SystemModeler Virtual Conference 2012 shows how SystemModeler and Mathematica are used in the model design of a Stewart platform.
The Modelica Clocked library in System Modeler offers higher-level abstractions for dealing with clocking mechanisms, allowing you to model multi-rate systems.
How to model and simulate the flight of an aircraft design using Wolfram System Modeler.
Experience the smoother Modeling and Simulation workflow in SystemModeler 5.0. See other new features in SystemModeler 5.0 here.
Virtual labs are interactive Mathematica notebooks running System Modeler models in the background. You can not only access these models, but you can also modify them. In this video, we ...
Otto Tronarp
This course from the Wolfram SystemModeler Virtual Conference 2012 covers multibody modeling and simulation with SystemModeler using a joystick design project.
Optimize your trebuchet model in SystemModeler 5.0 using the new WSMParametricSimulateValue function and the Wolfram Language. See other new features in SystemModeler 5.0
Make education alive using Wolfram Virtual Labs. In this video, we introduce you to our
Precisely detect errors in Wolfram System Modeler using improved error messages and warnings that link directly to the relevant line of code.