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Math (STEM) Needs for Industry
Toshiaki Kurokawa
Mathematical skills are growing in importance in all areas of industry. In this video presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Summit 2011, Toshiaki Kurokawa, SCSK Fellow at SCSK Corporation, shares his experience of the growing need for math and STEM in his field.
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Channels: Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011
48 videos match your search.
Charles Fadel Charles Fadel presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Kevin James Mathematical skills are growing in importance in all areas of industry. In this video presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Summit 2011, Kevin James, Research Fellow at the London School of Economics, ... |
Toshiaki Kurokawa Mathematical skills are growing in importance in all areas of industry. In this video presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Summit 2011, Toshiaki Kurokawa, SCSK Fellow at SCSK Corporation, shares his experience ... |
Kyle McCormick Mathematical skills are growing in importance in all areas of industry. In this video presentation from The Computer-Based Math™ Summit 2011, Kyle McCormick, an attorney and independent lecturer in mathematics, shares his experience of the growing need for math and STEM in ... |
Conrad Wolfram, Jon McLoone Conrad Wolfram, Founder of, and Jon McLoone, Content Director of, worked through some common objections to Computer-Based Math™ education at The Computer-Based Math Summit 2011. This video ... |
Conrad Wolfram, Jon McLoone Conrad Wolfram, Founder of, and Jon McLoone, Content Director of, worked through some common objections to Computer-Based Math™ education at The Computer-Based Math Summit 2011. This video ... |
Paul Wilmott Paul Wilmott presents his views on math's importance in society and how it has changed. This debate took place during the Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit 2011. |
Kyle McCormick, James Thompson, Bree Berman, Maria Droujkova, and Michael Corkery In this video, some of The Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit attendees share their thoughts on the discussions and debates that took place at the event, as well as future directions. |