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Using Wolfram to Find and Analyze Unstructured Data
Maureen Baehr, Ben Kickert
SDGCounting uses the Wolfram technology stack to track and report progress made around the UN's sustainable development goals (SDGs). As the capabilities of Wolfram evolve, our methodologies and uses also evolved as well. Here, we explore our work in 2020, which was focused on turning unstructured information into data.
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119 videos match your search.
Anwesha Das Emojis are a popular form of non-linguistic expression in computer-mediated communication. Various factors such as platform diversity, age and gender have been known to affect emoji usage patterns. This presentation ... |
Eduardo Serna, PhD In this talk, Eduardo Serna explores existing and upcoming Wolfram Language functionality designed for the analysis and modeling of spatial point data. |
Jan Poeschko Learn about the latest updates and features in the Wolfram Cloud, from interactive notebook development to deployment and publishing, in this talk from Jan Poeschko. |
Anmol Bajracharya Backtesting trading strategies using historical data can help investors to determine how profitable one's trading strategy could be. In this talk, Anmol Bajracharya discusses how to construct trading strategies using ... |
Ambar Jain, Ph.D. Ambar Jain presents an assessment platform developed at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, that serves deeply randomized synchronous and asynchronous assessments to students. Content and quiz ... |
Brenton Bostick Brenton Bostick presents the new CodeFormatter paclet for formatting Wolfram Language code, showing the parameters that can be adjusted and what the resulting code looks like. The formatter is demonstrated ... |
Ben Kickert, Maureen Baehr Ben Kickert and Maureen Baehr explore ways to use the Wolfram technology stack and A-Frame to create VR rooms that are immersive as well as accessible to all, regardless of ... |
Jeremy Stratton-Smith, AnneMarie Torresen This talk covers the work that has been done to incorporate the Common Core math standards into Wolfram|Alpha and explore the content covered in the example pages. |
Nick Lariviere |
Jose Martin-Garcia This talk from Jose Martin-Garcia presents recent additions to the Wolfram Language geo framework, focusing in particular on new functionality to support our new vector maps. This includes the new ... |
Rob Knapp This presentation by Rob Knapp focuses on optimization functionality in the Wolfram Language. Examples are shown to highlight recent progress in convex optimization, including support for complex variables, robust optimization ... |
Maureen Baehr, Ben Kickert SDGCounting uses the Wolfram technology stack to track and report progress made around the UN's sustainable development goals (SDGs). As the capabilities of Wolfram evolve, our methodologies and uses also ... |
Francisco Javier Rodríguez Arias Learn from Francisco Rodriguez Arias about the data and technology behind the new vector GeoGraphics support, as well as related Wolfram Language functionality. |
Paritosh Mokhasi In this presentation, Paritosh Mokhasi describes robust optimization, a framework for solving optimization problems in the presence of uncertainties. He covers the concept of robust optimization and how the problems ... |
Nina Dokeva This presentation features Nina Dokeva, who describes the extensible framework that is used to interface optimization solvers to the Wolfram Language optimization functions. The presentation includes examples of how to ... |
Nicholas Brunk, PSM, MS The Wolfram Language facilitates a broad variety of scientific and industrial workflows.In this talk, Nick Brunk highlights Wolfram Language facilitation of high-throughput, experimentally validated molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of ... |
Max Piskunov |
Andrew Yule This presentation features Andrew Yule discussing a new open-source project called ggplot that aims to create a Wolfram Language package giving functionality similar to R's ggplot. |
Sean Cheren, Robert Collyer Sean Cheren exhibits some of the exciting new Import/Export features coming in the next version of the Wolfram Language. In particular, he dives into format upgrades and useful updates ... |
Suba Thomas In this talk, Suba Thomas showcases several examples of new boards available in the Microcontroller Kit 2.0 that were developed based on user feedback and discusses future planning. |