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Authoring and Deploying Content in the New Computable Document Format

This Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2011 course shows the process for creating and sharing interactive content with Computable Document Format (CDF) technology. It also shows examples ranging from textbooks to management reports.

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47 videos match your search.
Jon McLoone
This Wolfram Mathematica Virtual Conference 2011 course shows the process for creating and sharing interactive content with Computable Document Format (CDF) technology. It also shows examples ranging from textbooks to management ...
Jon McLoone
With Mathematica 8, you can enter your queries in plain English, using new free-form linguistic input, and access Wolfram|Alpha's more than 10 trillion pieces of curated, up-to-date, and ready-to-use data. Learn ...
Cliff Hastings
This screencast gives an introduction to Mathematica 8, including how to use free-form input, Wolfram|Alpha integration, and the Documentation Center.
Get an overview of Mathematica 8's new features, including free-form input, advanced statistics capabilities, state-of-the-art image processing, and more. Includes Japanese audio.
Get an overview of Mathematica 8's new features, including free-form input, advanced statistics capabilities, state-of-the-art image processing, and more.
This screencast gives an introduction to Mathematica 8, including how to use free-form input, Wolfram|Alpha integration, and the Documentation Center. Includes Chinese translation.
With Mathematica 8, you can enter your queries in plain English, using the new free-form linguistic input, and access Wolfram|Alpha's more than 10 trillion pieces of curated, up-to-date, and ready-to-use data. ...
Take a quick tour of Mathematica 8 and see what makes it the ultimate technical computing and development environment. Includes Japanese voiceover.
Take a quick tour of Mathematica 8 and see what makes it the ultimate technical computing and development environment. Includes Chinese voiceover.
Take a quick tour of Mathematica 8 and see what makes it the world's ultimate application for computations.
The Mathematica help system works with a highly structured set of documents. Each document falls into one of a number of categories, the most important of which are guide pages, ...
Tom Wickham-Jones
The Mathematica help system works with a highly structured set of documents. Each document falls into one of a number of categories, the most important of which are guide pages, ...
Mathematica integrates important high-performance computing (HPC) technologies in a single seamless system, so you don't have to choose between speed and accuracy. This screencast gives an overview of how to ...
Kelvin Mischo
Mathematica integrates important high-performance computing (HPC) technologies in a single seamless system, so you don't have to choose between speed and accuracy. This screencast gives an overview of how to ...
Cliff Hastings
This screencast gives an overview of new features in Mathematica 7 that make it easy to use and engaging in a dynamic classroom.
Theodore Gray
Mathematica provides broad and deep built-in support for both programmatic and interactive modern industrial-strength image processing. This screencast highlights Mathematica 7's suite of image processing functions.
Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast highlights what's new in Mathematica 7. Includes Spanish audio.
Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast highlights what's new in Mathematica 7. Includes Portuguese audio.
Jon McLoone
Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast highlights what's new in Mathematica 7.
Jeff Todd
Mathematica 7 delivers an array of new capabilities, adding image processing, parallel high-performance computing (HPC), new on-demand curated data, and more. This screencast gives a basic overview of Mathematica 7.