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Live Q&A with Stephen Wolfram: September 17, 2009
Stephen Wolfram
This is a video recording of a Q&A webcast from September 2009 in which Stephen Wolfram answered many user-submitted questions about Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and his scientific research.
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Channels: Wolfram|Alpha
31 videos match your search.
Students at Chicago State University describe how Wolfram|Alpha helps them with their courses. |
Elizabeth Corcoran, Debra Woods, Abby Brown, Maria Andersen This video is part 1 of a panel discussion featuring teachers who use Wolfram technologies, including Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica, in their classrooms. In this video, they highlight some of the ... |
Elizabeth Corcoran, Debra Woods, Abby Brown, Maria Andersen This video is part 2 of a panel discussion featuring teachers who use Wolfram technologies, including Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica, in their classrooms. In this video, they highlight some of the ... |
Theodore Gray See how Wolfram|Alpha's own mad scientist Theodore Gray used Wolfram|Alpha to prep for a fiery experiment. |
Rob Raguet-Schofield Watch Rob Raguet-Schofield, a user interface architect at Wolfram Research, give a demonstration of the Wolfram|Alpha App for iPhone and iPod Touch. |
Wayne Watson In this video, Chicago State University President Wayne Watson shares his thoughts on Wolfram|Alpha's potential in education. |
Jamie Williams, Wiktor Macura Wolfram Workbench, a software engineering and deployment tool, is used in Wolfram|Alpha for various functions, from data curation and quality assurance to documentation and framework development. Learn more in ... |
Cliff Hastings This screencast gives an overview of how to combine Wolfram|Alpha and Mathematica into a super tool for teaching, research, and student exploration. |
Stephen Wolfram This is a video recording of a Q&A webcast from September 2009 in which Stephen Wolfram answered many user-submitted questions about Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and his scientific research. |
Stephen Wolfram This is a video recording of a Q&A webcast from June 2009 in which Stephen Wolfram answered many user-submitted questions about Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and his scientific research. |
Stephen Wolfram Stephen Wolfram officially launches Wolfram|Alpha, the world's first and only computational knowledge engine, on May 18, 2009. |