



Click for copyable input
With[{m = 1050, s = 1250, d = 200}, AnatomyPlot3D[{{AnatomyForm[<| Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "Muscle"] -> Directive[ ClipPlanes -> {InfinitePlane[{{0, -100, m - d}, {300, 0, m}, {0, 0, m - d}}]}], \!\(\* NamespaceBox["LinguisticAssistant", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`query$$ = "skin", Typeset`boxes$$ = TemplateBox[{"\"skin\"", RowBox[{"Entity", "[", RowBox[{"\"AnatomicalStructure\"", ",", "\"Skin\""}], "]"}], "\"Entity[\\\"AnatomicalStructure\\\", \\\"Skin\\\"]\"", "\"anatomical structure\""}, "Entity"], Typeset`allassumptions$$ = {{ "type" -> "Clash", "word" -> "skin", "template" -> "Assuming \"${word}\" is ${desc1}. Use as \ ${desc2} instead", "count" -> "6", "Values" -> {{ "name" -> "Anatomy", "desc" -> "an anatomical structure", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*Anatomy-"}, { "name" -> "Material", "desc" -> "a material", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*Material-"}, { "name" -> "TelevisionProgram", "desc" -> "a television series", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*TelevisionProgram-"}, { "name" -> "Word", "desc" -> "a word", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*Word-"}, { "name" -> "TranslationData", "desc" -> " referring to translations", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*TranslationData-"}, { "name" -> "CourseAppsKeyword", "desc" -> " referring to a course app", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*CourseAppsKeyword-"}}}}, Typeset`assumptions$$ = {}, Typeset`open$$ = {1, 2}, Typeset`querystate$$ = { "Online" -> True, "Allowed" -> True, "mparse.jsp" -> 0.665882`6.274942268778467, "Messages" -> {}}}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`LinguisticAssistantBoxes["", 4, Automatic, Dynamic[Typeset`query$$], Dynamic[Typeset`boxes$$], Dynamic[Typeset`allassumptions$$], Dynamic[Typeset`assumptions$$], Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], Dynamic[Typeset`querystate$$]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{211., {7., 15.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{ Typeset`query$$, Typeset`boxes$$, Typeset`allassumptions$$, Typeset`assumptions$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`querystate$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, UndoTrackedVariables:>{Typeset`open$$}], BaseStyle->{"Deploy"}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\) -> Directive[Opacity[1], ClipPlanes -> {InfinitePlane[{{0, -200, s - d}, {300, 0, s}, {0, 0, s - d}}]}]|>], Entity["AnatomicalStructure", "LeftUpperLimb"], \!\(\* NamespaceBox["LinguisticAssistant", DynamicModuleBox[{Typeset`query$$ = "skin", Typeset`boxes$$ = TemplateBox[{"\"skin\"", RowBox[{"Entity", "[", RowBox[{"\"AnatomicalStructure\"", ",", "\"Skin\""}], "]"}], "\"Entity[\\\"AnatomicalStructure\\\", \\\"Skin\\\"]\"", "\"anatomical structure\""}, "Entity"], Typeset`allassumptions$$ = {{ "type" -> "Clash", "word" -> "skin", "template" -> "Assuming \"${word}\" is ${desc1}. Use as \ ${desc2} instead", "count" -> "6", "Values" -> {{ "name" -> "Anatomy", "desc" -> "an anatomical structure", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*Anatomy-"}, { "name" -> "Material", "desc" -> "a material", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*Material-"}, { "name" -> "TelevisionProgram", "desc" -> "a television series", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*TelevisionProgram-"}, { "name" -> "Word", "desc" -> "a word", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*Word-"}, { "name" -> "TranslationData", "desc" -> " referring to translations", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*TranslationData-"}, { "name" -> "CourseAppsKeyword", "desc" -> " referring to a course app", "input" -> "*C.skin-_*CourseAppsKeyword-"}}}}, Typeset`assumptions$$ = {}, Typeset`open$$ = {1, 2}, Typeset`querystate$$ = { "Online" -> True, "Allowed" -> True, "mparse.jsp" -> 1.211916`6.535017512665579, "Messages" -> {}}}, DynamicBox[ToBoxes[ AlphaIntegration`LinguisticAssistantBoxes["", 4, Automatic, Dynamic[Typeset`query$$], Dynamic[Typeset`boxes$$], Dynamic[Typeset`allassumptions$$], Dynamic[Typeset`assumptions$$], Dynamic[Typeset`open$$], Dynamic[Typeset`querystate$$]], StandardForm], ImageSizeCache->{211., {7., 15.}}, TrackedSymbols:>{ Typeset`query$$, Typeset`boxes$$, Typeset`allassumptions$$, Typeset`assumptions$$, Typeset`open$$, Typeset`querystate$$}], DynamicModuleValues:>{}, UndoTrackedVariables:>{Typeset`open$$}], BaseStyle->{"Deploy"}, DeleteWithContents->True, Editable->False, SelectWithContents->True]\)}}, PlotRange -> {{0, 300}, {-300, 100}, {650, 1375}}, ImageSize -> 400, SphericalRegion -> True, Background -> GrayLevel[0.2]]]


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