WolframKnowledgebaseA Core Part of
Wolfram Language

Instant Access to Real-World Data.
Compute with and visualize a growing collection of carefully curated data across hundreds of essential domains, seamlessly integrated with the entire Wolfram Language.
Comprehensive Computable Data
Explore the largest and broadest collection of entities and their properties without additional cleaning or conversion. Access real-world data programmatically, through text or speech input, or through APIs integrated into your desktop or web tools.
Data Visualization & Computation
Gain insight from semantically represented, computable data with statistical analysis, integrated machine learning and more. Get intuition into data with advanced charting and plotting capabilities.

Geographic Data
Get curated geophysical and weather information, astronomical entities and administrative boundaries—all immediately accessible and integrated with precise geo computation capabilities for deep analysis.

Physical Science Data
Analyze physical systems, compute chemical reactions and simulate models with a wide range of curated data for physics, chemistry, math and more.

Biological & Life Science Data
Easily compute and visualize with consistently formatted data on all 2,000,000+ named species. Explore the human genome, 175,000+ plant species, nearly 100,000 human and animal anatomical structures, medical diagnosis codes and much more.
Food, Nutrition & Physical Activities
Get detailed nutritional information on more than 150,000 types of foods, including brand names. Integrate with activity, location, demographic and other curated computable data to create customized plans or conduct population-wide analyses.

Finance & Business Data
Enhance decision making with up-to-date, built-in data on company fundamentals, plus end-of-day and historical quotes for stocks, indices and other financial instruments.

Parameterized Models & Formulas
Use built-in parameterized models to explore a broad range of scientific domains, including the standard atmosphere and ocean, geogravity and geomagnetism, thermodynamic data of gases and liquids, and mortality data.

Integrate Your Own Data
Extend and enhance the built-in knowledgebase with your own custom entity types that fit smoothly into computational workflows. Import data from files stored locally, on the web or in databases.

Wolfram Knowledgebase Documentation
Wolfram Knowledgebase is an integrated part of Wolfram Language. The full system contains over 6,000 built-in functions covering all areas of computation—all carefully integrated so they work perfectly together.

Full Scope & Documentation
Social & Cultural Data
Explore socioeconomic, demographic and cultural data. Easily access computable data about and connections between notable people, historical events, languages and names.