
Version 10 introduces a flexible framework for performing formal operations. It is now possible to prevent evaluation of individual symbols or entire expressions. This level of fine control over the evaluation process is available both while inactivating and activating expressions. The impact of the new functionality is systemwide and leads to improved workflow, deep insights, and greater efficiency in computational, programming, and calculus operations.

  • 轻松创建未激活符号或表达式. »
  • 用可控制方法计算部分未激活表达式. »
  • 用独特一致的样式识别未激活对象. »
  • 构建高品质的初等到高等数学所用公式表格.
  • 通过比较未计算和计算后的形式显示函数恒等式.
  • 增加了对标准计算算法和数学技巧的理解.
  • 应用代码变化来创建稳健且优化的函数.
  • 通过有选择地不激活部分代码,加速调试过程.
  • 利用微积分中的基本运算符的形式属性.
  • 用未激活形式操控积分和求和变换.
  • 探求经典偏微分方程式的通用解法.
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