Zhen Huang

Zhen Huang has an academic background in physics and currently conducts research in gravity theory. He was introduced to Wolfram Mathematica in his first year of undergraduate study, during preparation for the China Undergraduate Physics Tournament (CUPT). Recognizing its potential as a powerful tool for physics and beyond, Zhen has since incorporated Mathematica into his work for mathematical modeling competitions, daily physics studies and scientific research. His Wolfram Language program was adopted in a physics experiment, benefiting all future students.
As a training engineer at Beijing NDTimes Technology Ltd, Zhen is dedicated to sharing his Wolfram Language expertise with others. He delivers online lectures on programming to Chinese audiences twice a month and also provides support to new users, assisting them to navigate and solve challenges with Wolfram technologies.
Beijing NDTimes Technology Ltd, China
BS in Physics, Sun Yat-sen University
MS in Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (expected in 2025)
Calisthenics, swimming, running