Wolfram U

System Modeling (Study Group Sessions)

Estimated Time: 8 h 45 min

Course Level: Beginner


Follow this Study Group to learn how to use Wolfram System Modeler to make complex, hierarchical simulations of all kinds of systems. The first several sessions cover examples ranging from gyroscopes and joysticks in physics to epidemic modeling in biology, to chromatographic columns in chemistry. After covering some fundamental topics with the use of the examples, this Study Group goes on to explain how to create and analyze new models, connect to real-world applications and analyze results with the Wolfram Language and the basics of the Modelica language.

Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language, Wolfram System Modeler

About Wolfram Daily Study Groups

Daily Study Groups are fun, directed, incremental learning resources. An instructor guides each session by sharing short lessons, polling the group to review key concepts, introducing practice problems and answering questions.