Can I Spot a Cheat?
- Interactive Course
- 2 h
- Advanced
- 2 Certifications
Estimated Time: 2 h
Course Level: Advanced
Requirements: This course requires basic working knowledge of the Wolfram Language, common data visualisations (histograms) and empirical and probability distributions.
Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1
Being able to measure variations in data and identify abnormal variation is an important skill in many fields. In the financial sector, for example, fraudulent behaviour can cost huge sums of money. In this Computational Thinking module, you will learn how to recognise patterns in data that differ “significantly” from the norm and learn how to provide evidence that the source of one dataset is different to another. You will learn how to use significance levels to quantify how unexpected the patterns or differences were, ultimately writing and interpreting your own hypothesis test.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Cloud, Wolfram Language
You'll Learn To
- Solve a real problem using the computational thinking process
- Define the problem precisely by using a control to compare against
- Choose and apply real tools to make decisions about significant differences
- Interpret the results of the analysis and present an opinion based upon evidence
- Choose significance levels to apply and learn their effect on type I and type II errors
- Structure a hypothesis test to enable verification of your findings
Certifications Available
Completion Certificate
Certify your completion of this computational thinking module by successfully completing activities and answering the questions in each chapter.
Level 1 Certification
Once you have completed the module, take the exam to certify your proficiency in computational thinking.
More Info
About This Interactive Course
This self-study resource is part of the Computer-Based Maths (CBM) project and works in the Wolfram Cloud. It's free and easy to get started using the Wolfram Cloud—sign in with your Wolfram ID or create one. No plan is required. This interactive course includes video lessons, computational activities, auto-graded questions and a project.