Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

WolframGeometric ComputationA CORE PART OF

Geometric Modeling & Computing.

Wolfram Geometric Computation provides a comprehensive set of integrated tools and solutions for modeling, analyzing, visualizing and synthesizing geometry, tailored to everyone's needs from beginners to advanced.

Multi-Paradigm Modeling

Model geometric regions using meshes, constructive solid geometry, implicit representation, primitive instancing and more. Combine and transform regions to create new ones.

High-Quality Graphics

Render geometric regions with insightful structure or realistic appearance. Use our document-based notebook interface to dynamically interact with 2D and 3D renderings of your model and to style elements using different types of lighting, materials and cameras.

Insightful Visualization

Gain immediate insight by visualizing your data and functions over geometric regions. Choose from a rich collection of highly automated plots to see temperature, stresses, fluid flows and computed properties directly on your model.

Computational Geometry

Build your work on an extensive collection of state-of-the-art geometric algorithms such as triangulations, convex hulls, data structures and more. Analyze and understand spatial structures in various areas including geography, computer graphics, robotics and material science.

Advanced Mesh Processing

Understand intricate geometric structures and properties of your geometric data using a flexible and efficient mesh processing pipeline—constructing triangle and polygon meshes of scan or tomography input data, removing topological or geometrical errors, remeshing for improving the mesh quality and analysis and transformation.

Geometry Everywhere

Solve optimization problems, algebraic equations and partial differential equations with geometric constraints. Bridge domains and analyze geometry using graphs, reconstruct geometry from images or compute on maps.

Comprehensive Data Exchange

Increase workflow efficiency by importing data directly and by exporting your work in a wide range of 3D geometric and modeling formats, including STL, OBJ and DAE. Exchange data with external services through APIs or external software systems like Python, Unity, Amazon S3 and Thingiverse.

3D Printing

Bring your ideas to life in the real world with 3D printing. Create 3D printable models from plots, geometric modeling, curated collections of geographic, anatomical and mathematical objects and more. Immediately print on your own 3D printer or through online 3D printing services.

Games, AR & VR

Create interactive simulations for games and AR and VR immersive experiences. Take advantage of the interoperability with both Wolfram Engine and Unity game engine to programmatically control your creative and development processes.

Wolfram Geometric Computation Documentation

Wolfram Geometric Computation is an integrated part of Wolfram Language. The full system contains over 6,000 built-in functions covering all areas of computation—all carefully integrated so they work perfectly together.

Wolfram Language
Full Scope & Documentation
AASTriangle ▪ AffineHalfSpace ▪ AffineSpace ▪ Annulus ▪ ArcLength ▪ Area ▪ ArrayMesh ▪ ASATriangle ▪ AugmentedPolyhedron ▪ Ball ▪ BeveledPolyhedron ▪ BezierCurve ▪ BooleanRegion ▪ BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics ▪ BoundaryDiscretizeRegion ▪ BoundaryMesh ▪ BoundaryMeshRegion ▪ BoundaryMeshRegionQ ▪ BoundedRegionQ ▪ BoundingRegion ▪ BSplineCurve ▪ BSplineSurface ▪ CanonicalizePolygon ▪ CanonicalizePolyhedron ▪ CanonicalizeRegion ▪ CantorMesh ▪ CapsuleShape ▪ Circle ▪ Circumsphere ▪ CollinearPoints ▪ ConcaveHullMesh ▪ Cone ▪ ConicHullRegion ▪ ConnectedMeshComponents ▪ ConstantRegionQ ▪ ConvexHullMesh ▪ ConvexHullRegion ▪ ConvexPolygonQ ▪ ConvexPolyhedronQ ▪ ConvexRegionQ ▪ CoplanarPoints ▪ CrossingCount ▪ CrossingPolygon ▪ CSGRegion ▪ CSGRegionQ ▪ CSGRegionTree ▪ Cube ▪ Cuboid ▪ Cylinder ▪ DelaunayMesh ▪ DihedralAngle ▪ DimensionalMeshComponents ▪ DiscretizeGraphics ▪ DiscretizeRegion ▪ Disk ▪ DiskSegment ▪ Dodecahedron ▪ DualPolyhedron ▪ Ellipsoid ▪ EmptyRegion ▪ EulerAngles ▪ EulerCharacteristic ▪ FilledTorus ▪ FindMeshDefects ▪ FindRegionTransform ▪ FullRegion ▪ GradientFittedMesh ▪ HalfLine ▪ HalfPlane ▪ HalfSpace ▪ Hexahedron ▪ HighlightMesh ▪ HilbertCurve ▪ Hyperplane ▪ Icosahedron ▪ ImplicitRegion ▪ InfiniteLine ▪ InfinitePlane ▪ InnerPolygon ▪ InnerPolyhedron ▪ Insphere ▪ Interval ▪ InverseTransformedRegion ▪ KochCurve ▪ Line ▪ MengerMesh ▪ MeshCellCount ▪ MeshCellIndex ▪ MeshCellLabel ▪ MeshCellMarker ▪ MeshCellMeasure ▪ MeshCellQuality ▪ MeshCells ▪ MeshCellShapeFunction ▪ MeshCellStyle ▪ MeshCoordinates ▪ MeshPrimitives ▪ MeshQualityGoal ▪ MeshRefinementFunction ▪ MeshRegion ▪ MeshRegionQ ▪ MomentOfInertia ▪ NegativelyOrientedPoints ▪ Octahedron ▪ OuterPolygon ▪ OuterPolyhedron ▪ Parallelepiped ▪ Parallelogram ▪ ParametricRegion ▪ PeanoCurve ▪ Perimeter ▪ PlanarAngle ▪ Point ▪ Polygon ▪ PolygonAngle ▪ PolygonCoordinates ▪ PolygonDecomposition ▪ Polyhedron ▪ PolyhedronAngle ▪ PolyhedronCoordinates ▪ PolyhedronDecomposition ▪ PolyhedronFaceIndices ▪ PolyhedronGenus ▪ PositivelyOrientedPoints ▪ Prism ▪ Pyramid ▪ RandomPolygon ▪ RandomPolyhedron ▪ Rectangle ▪ Region ▪ RegionBoundary ▪ RegionBounds ▪ RegionCentroid ▪ RegionCongruent ▪ RegionConvert ▪ RegionDifference ▪ RegionDimension ▪ RegionDisjoint ▪ RegionDistance ▪ RegionDistanceFunction ▪ RegionEmbeddingDimension ▪ RegionEqual ▪ RegionFit ▪ RegionFunction ▪ RegionIntersection ▪ RegionMeasure ▪ RegionMember ▪ RegionMemberFunction ▪ RegionMoment ▪ RegionNearest ▪ RegionNearestFunction ▪ RegionPlot ▪ RegionPlot3D ▪ RegionProduct ▪ RegionQ ▪ RegionResize ▪ RegionSymmetricDifference ▪ RegionUnion ▪ RegionWithin ▪ RegularPolygon ▪ RepairMesh ▪ RollPitchYawAngles ▪ RollPitchYawMatrix ▪ SASTriangle ▪ ShellRegion ▪ SierpinskiCurve ▪ SierpinskiMesh ▪ SignedRegionDistance ▪ SimplePolygonQ ▪ SimplePolyhedronQ ▪ Simplex ▪ SnubPolyhedron ▪ SolidAngle ▪ SolidRegionQ ▪ Sphere ▪ SphericalShell ▪ SSSTriangle ▪ StadiumShape ▪ SurfaceArea ▪ Tetrahedron ▪ Torus ▪ TransformedRegion ▪ Triangle ▪ TriangulateMesh ▪ TruncatedPolyhedron ▪ UniformPolyhedron ▪ Volume ▪ VoronoiMesh ▪ WindingCount ▪ WindingPolygon ▪ "STL" ▪ "OBJ" ▪ "OFF" ▪ "DAE" ▪ "DXF" ▪ TriangleConstruct ▪ TriangleCenter ▪ TriangleMeasurement ▪ GeometricAssertion ▪ GeometricTest ▪ GeometricStep ▪ Length ▪ Indexed ▪ Manipulate ▪ Import ▪ SpherePoints ▪ SphericalPlot3D ▪ Abs ▪ C ▪ Sqrt ▪ UnitVector ▪ TargetStructure ▪ ImageTransformation ▪ OrthogonalMatrix ▪ UnitaryMatrix ▪ Rescale ▪ AxesEdge ▪ Boxed ▪ BoxRatios ▪ BoxStyle ▪ ClipPlanesStyle ▪ ControllerLinking ▪ ControllerPath ▪ FaceGrids ▪ FaceGridsStyle ▪ RotationAction ▪ TouchscreenAutoZoom ▪ ViewAngle ▪ ViewCenter ▪ ViewMatrix ▪ ViewPoint ▪ ViewProjection ▪ ViewRange ▪ ViewVector ▪ ViewVertical ▪ ContourStyle ▪ NormalsFunction ▪ HoldAll ▪ Evaluate ▪ EventHandler ▪ Hyperlink ▪ StatusArea ▪ Above ▪ Below ▪ Before ▪ After ▪ AlignmentPoint ▪ Center ▪ Axes ▪ AxesLabel ▪ AxesOrigin ▪ AxesStyle ▪ Background ▪ BaselinePosition ▪ BaseStyle ▪ ColorFunctionScaling ▪ ContentSelectable ▪ CoordinatesToolOptions ▪ Epilog ▪ EvaluationMonitor ▪ FormatType ▪ Frame ▪ FrameLabel ▪ FrameStyle ▪ FrameTicks ▪ FrameTicksStyle ▪ GridLines ▪ GridLinesStyle ▪ ImageMargins ▪ LabelingSize ▪ LabelStyle ▪ Mesh ▪ MeshFunctions ▪ MeshStyle ▪ PlotLabel ▪ PlotLabels ▪ PlotRangePadding ▪ PlotRegion ▪ PreserveImageOptions ▪ Prolog ▪ RotateLabel ▪ ScalingFunctions ▪ TextureCoordinateScaling ▪ TextureCoordinateFunction ▪ Ticks ▪ TicksStyle ▪ PlotPoints ▪ MaxRecursion ▪ Callout ▪ Legended ▪ PlotStyle ▪ MeshShading ▪ ColorFunction ▪ SwatchLegend ▪ ComplexRegionPlot ▪ Maximize ▪ NMaximize ▪ FindMaximum ▪ Boole ▪ NearestFunction ▪ NArgMin ▪ PDF ▪ Moment ▪ CentralMoment ▪ Element ▪ MemberQ ▪ Between ▪ DensityPlot ▪ ListDensityPlot ▪ ListContourPlot3D ▪ Exclusions ▪ BoundaryStyle ▪ Filling ▪ ClippingStyle ▪ ConfidenceLevel ▪ Tolerance ▪ LeastSquares ▪ Fit ▪ Dimensions ▪ Function ▪ Norm ▪ MinValue ▪ NMinValue ▪ DistanceTransform ▪ RegionSimilar ▪ Expectation ▪ CoordinateBounds ▪ Button ▪ PopupWindow ▪ GraphicsGrid ▪ UniformDistribution ▪ BlockRandom ▪ RandomReal ▪ SeedRandom ▪ Lighting ▪ Normal ▪ Nearest ▪ ArgMin ▪ ArgMax ▪ ListPlot ▪ ListPointPlot3D ▪ AbsolutePointSize ▪ Midpoint ▪ Locator ▪ PlotMarkers ▪ Dot ▪ Eigensystem ▪ Eigenvalues ▪ Eigenvectors ▪ MeshCellCentroid ▪ Flatten ▪ If ▪ Directive ▪ Annotate ▪ AnnotationDelete ▪ Tooltip ▪ GeoGraphics ▪ Interpolation ▪ Plot ▪ CapForm ▪ JoinForm ▪ ListLinePlot ▪ ShearingTransform ▪ LinearFractionalTransform ▪ Equal ▪ Less ▪ Limit ▪ Intersection ▪ FindSequenceFunction ▪ Max ▪ Min ▪ Range ▪ IntervalMemberQ ▪ IntervalUnion ▪ IntervalIntersection ▪ CenteredInterval ▪ Piecewise ▪ NumberLinePlot ▪ MinMax ▪ Around ▪ DateInterval ▪ AngleBisector ▪ PerpendicularBisector ▪ Block ▪ Reduce ▪ AnglePath ▪ SubstitutionSystem ▪ AnnotationValue ▪ ClipPlanes ▪ FindFit ▪ Reals ▪ TransformationFunction ▪ AffineTransform ▪ TranslationTransform ▪ ScalingTransform ▪ FindGeometricTransform ▪ PlotLegends ▪ Placed ▪ EulerMatrix ▪ RotationMatrix ▪ AnglePath3D ▪ PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ ▪ VertexNormals ▪ PlotRangeClipping ▪ JoinedCurve ▪ VectorAngle ▪ ListContourPlot ▪ Transpose ▪ VertexTextureCoordinates ▪ Texture ▪ Tree ▪ TreeGraph ▪ GeometricTransformation ▪ Translate ▪ Union ▪ VertexColors ▪ ChartElementFunction ▪ BarChart3D ▪ Histogram3D ▪ BubbleChart3D ▪ Scale ▪ Arrow ▪ ListCurvePathPlot ▪ ListSurfacePlot3D ▪ DotDashed ▪ ContourPlot ▪ CircleThrough ▪ RoundingRadius ▪ Rotate ▪ CirclePoints ▪ GraphPlot3D ▪ Graph ▪ CantorStaircase ▪ KaryTree ▪ Sort ▪ Full ▪ SplineKnots ▪ SplineWeights ▪ SplineClosed ▪ BSplineFunction ▪ BSplineBasis ▪ MachinePrecision ▪ SetPrecision ▪ Rationalize ▪ RandomPoint ▪ FindInstance ▪ GeoPositionXYZ ▪ GeoPositionENU ▪ Indeterminate ▪ Head ▪ Select ▪ Annotation ▪ AtomQ ▪ $PlotTheme ▪ PlotTheme ▪ Labeled ▪ Inset ▪ AspectRatio ▪ ImageSize ▪ TraditionalForm ▪ Style ▪ ImagePadding ▪ SphericalRegion ▪ Show ▪ None ▪ FilledCurve ▪ Method ▪ All ▪ GraphicsComplex ▪ MaxCellMeasure ▪ Text ▪ Rasterize ▪ Raster ▪ Image ▪ RegionImage ▪ True ▪ Not ▪ Xor ▪ And ▪ Or ▪ BooleanFunction ▪ SplineDegree ▪ AbsoluteThickness ▪ Thick ▪ Thin ▪ AbsoluteDashing ▪ Dashed ▪ Dotted ▪ CMYKColor ▪ GrayLevel ▪ Hue ▪ RGBColor ▪ ImageScaled ▪ Offset ▪ ParametricPlot ▪ BezierFunction ▪ BernsteinBasis ▪ Tube ▪ Scaled ▪ ConstantArray ▪ Red ▪ Specularity ▪ Antialiasing ▪ EntityValue ▪ Entity ▪ Cos ▪ False ▪ SparseArray ▪ DataReversed ▪ MeshCellHighlight ▪ DataRange ▪ RescalingTransform ▪ ArrayPlot ▪ MatrixPlot ▪ ArrayFlatten ▪ CellularAutomaton ▪ GeoPosition ▪ GeoGridPosition ▪ AccuracyGoal ▪ Infinity ▪ Assumptions ▪ $Assumptions ▪ GenerateConditions ▪ PerformanceGoal ▪ $PerformanceGoal ▪ PrecisionGoal ▪ WorkingPrecision ▪ Automatic ▪ Undefined ▪ ArcCurvature ▪ FrenetSerretSystem ▪ CoordinateChartData ▪ CoordinateTransform ▪ PointSize ▪ RotationTransform ▪ ReflectionTransform ▪ Mean ▪ Histogram ▪ BubbleChart ▪ BooleanCountingFunction ▪ Graphics ▪ Graphics3D ▪ PlotRange ▪ Opacity ▪ Thickness ▪ Dashing ▪ Cross ▪ Dynamic ▪ Csc ▪ Cot ▪ Sin ▪ FaceForm ▪ EdgeForm ▪ EmbedCode ▪ RegionSize ▪ TargetUnits ▪ Printout3DPreviewer ▪ $Printout3DPreviewer ▪ Plot3D ▪ ParametricPlot3D ▪ ContourPlot3D ▪ ListPlot3D ▪ RevolutionPlot3D ▪ Molecule ▪ Integrate ▪ NIntegrate ▪ NDSolve ▪ Solve ▪ NSolve ▪ Minimize ▪ NMinimize ▪ ImageMesh ▪ PolyhedronData ▪ ExampleData ▪ GeoElevationData ▪ ChemicalData ▪ AnatomyData ▪ KnotData ▪ LaminaData ▪ SolidData ▪ PlaneCurveData ▪ SpaceCurveData ▪ SurfaceData ▪ Printout3D ▪ GeometricScene ▪ RandomInstance ▪ FindGeometricConjectures ▪

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