Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

37 Layout and Display

37Layout and Display
Earlier we saw how to use Framed to add a frame when one displays something.
Generate a number and put a frame around it:
You can give options to Framed.
Specify a background color and a frame style:
Framed[2^100, Background -> LightYellow, FrameStyle -> LightGray]
Labeled lets you make things be labeled.
Add a label to the framed number:
Labeled[Framed[2^100], "a big number"]
This adds a label to a number styled with a yellow background:
Labeled[Style[2^100, Background -> Yellow], "a big number"]
This adds styling to the label:
Labeled[Style[2^100, Background -> Yellow], Style["a big number", Italic, Orange]]
You can use Labeled in graphics as well.
Make a pie chart in which some wedges are labeled:
PieChart[{Labeled[1, "one"], Labeled[2, "two"], Labeled[3, Red], Labeled[4, Orange], 2, 2}]
ListPlot[{Labeled[1, "one"], Labeled[2, "two"], Labeled[3, Pink], Labeled[4, Yellow], 5, 6, 7}]
Plot the first few primes labeled with their values:
ListPlot[Table[Labeled[Prime[n], Prime[n]], {n, 15}]]
Labeled indicates something by putting a label right next to it. It’s often nice instead to use “callouts”, that have little lines pointing to whatever they’re referring to. You can do this by using Callout rather than Labeled.
Callout creates “callouts” with little lines:
ListPlot[Table[Callout[Prime[n], Prime[n]], {n, 15}]]
There are all sorts of ways to annotate graphics. Style directly inserts styling. Tooltip generates interactive tooltips that show themselves when the mouse hovers over them. Legended puts labels into a legend on the side.
Specify styles for the first three pie wedges:
PieChart[{Style[3, Red], Style[2, Green], Style[1, Yellow], 1, 2}]
PieChart[{Legended[1, "one"], Legended[2, "two"], Legended[3, Pink], Legended[4, Yellow], 2, 2}]
The default plot theme for the web is more brightly colored:
PieChart[{1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2}, PlotTheme -> "Web"]
In ListPlot, annotations specified by rules are implemented with callouts:
ListPlot[{1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> Pink, 4 -> Yellow, 5, 6, 7}]
In PieChart, strings are assumed to be labels, and colors to be styles:
PieChart[{1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> Blue, 4 -> Red}]
Display a list of objects in a row:
Row[{Yellow, Pink, Cyan}]
Display objects in a column:
Column[{Yellow, Pink, Cyan}]
Use GraphicsRow, GraphicsColumn and GraphicsGrid to arrange objects to fit in a certain overall size.
Generate an array of random pie charts, sized to fit:
GraphicsGrid[Table[PieChart[RandomReal[10, 5]], 3, 6]]
Do it with a frame around everything:
GraphicsGrid[Table[PieChart[RandomReal[10, 5]], 3, 6], Frame -> All]
Framed[expr] add a frame
Labeled[expr,lab] add a label
Callout[expr,lab] add a callout
Tooltip[expr,lab] add an interactive tooltip
Legended[expr,lab] add a legend
Row[{expr1,expr2, ...}] arrange in a row
Column[{expr1,expr2, ...}] arrange in a column
GraphicsRow[{expr1,expr2, ...}] arrange in a resizable row
GraphicsColumn[{expr1,expr2, ...}] arrange in a resizable column
GraphicsGrid[array] arrange in a resizable grid
37.1Make a list of numbers up to 100, with even numbers on yellow and odd numbers on light gray. »
Expected output:
37.2Make a list of numbers up to 100, with primes framed. »
Expected output:
37.3Make a list of numbers up to 100, with primes framed and labeled in light gray with their values modulo 4. »
Expected output:
37.4Create a 3×6 GraphicsGrid of randomly colored disks. »
Sample expected output:
37.5Make a pie chart of the GDPs of the countries in the G5, labeling each wedge. »
Sample expected output:
37.6Make a pie chart of the populations of the countries in the G5, giving a legend for each wedge. »
Sample expected output:
37.7Make a 5×5 GraphicsGrid of pie charts that give the relative frequencies of digits in 2^n with n starting at 1. »
Expected output:
37.8Make a graphics row of word clouds for Wikipedia articles on the G5 countries. »
Sample expected output:
Yes. Use an option like RoundingRadius0.2.
What kinds of things can be in a label?
Anything you want. A label can be text or a graphic or, for that matter, a whole notebook.
Can I use Labeled to put labels in places other than at the bottom?
Yes. Use e.g. Labeled[expr, label, Left] or Labeled[expr, label, Right].
Can visualization be animated or dynamic?
Yes. ListAnimate creates an animation. Constructs from Tooltip to Manipulate can be used to set up dynamic visualizations.
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