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274 results

Software Development Webinar Series

Software Development Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE

Add a new layer of performance and automation to your entire development workflow—from prototype to production. The presentations included in this webinar series cover built-in Wolfram Language functionality for parallelization, cloud deployment and database integration.

Course Overview
  • Video 1104 minutes
  • Video 247 minutes
  • Video 324 minutes
  • Video 416 minutes
  • Video 520 minutes
  • Video 614 minutes
  • Video 716 minutes
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Solving ODEs and PDEs with Wolfram Language (Study Group Sessions)

Solving ODEs and PDEs with Wolfram Language (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE

This Daily Study Group covers techniques for solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) using Wolfram Language. It introduces the built-in function DSolve for finding symbolic solutions to differential equations and the built-in function NDSolve, a general numerical differential equation solver. Topics covered include the numerical method of lines, the finite element method (FEM), the use and construction of meshes, boundary value problems and eigenvalue problems.

Course Overview
  • Video 158 minutes
  • Video 256 minutes
  • Video 352 minutes
  • Video 453 minutes
  • Video 555 minutes
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Solving PDEs with Symbolics and Numerics

Solving PDEs with Symbolics and Numerics
Video Course | FREE

This video course provides a thorough introduction to solving partial differential equations (PDEs) in the Wolfram Language both symbolically and numerically. You'll learn how to solve boundary value problems for classical PDEs and obtain solutions for the Schrödinger and other modern PDEs using the Wolfram Language function DSolve and its numerical counterpart NDSolve. You'll also discover how to solve PDEs over regions, find eigenvalues and eigenfunctions over regions with DEigensystem and NDEigensystem and use the latest Wolfram Language functionality to create better PDE models and gain a deeper understanding of your physics and engineering designs.

Course Overview
  • Video 126 minutes
  • Video 225 minutes
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State-Space Analysis and Design Applications

State-Space Analysis and Design Applications
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: Some experience with control systems is recommended for the course.

This video gives a step-by-step approach to working with control systems and state-space applications using Wolfram Language. Each example begins with a problem definition and works toward a solution and a simulation using controller design methods, including pole placement and optimal control.

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Statistical Analysis with Wolfram Language

Statistical Analysis with Wolfram Language
Video Course | FREE

Analyze your data using a framework of model fitting and statistical analysis built into the Wolfram Language. Whether it is basic descriptive and exploratory statistics or advanced modeling with statistical distributions, you can follow this video course to gain an understanding of the statistical functionality available in the Wolfram Language. Topics covered include descriptive measures, transformations, basic clustering, statistical distributions, parameter estimation and hypothesis testing. Advanced topics on using optimization functions, linear algebra functions, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and generalized logit and probit linear models will also be explored.

Course Overview
  • Video 111 minutes
  • Video 224 minutes
  • Video 314 minutes
  • Video 417 minutes
  • Video 534 minutes
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Statistical Distributions

Statistical Distributions
Video Lesson | FREE

The Wolfram Language includes extensive coverage for statistical distributions. This class explores the properties of derived distributions, probability distributions, mixture distributions and more. Other topics include random number generation and parameter estimation. This class assumes basic familiarity with the Wolfram Language and statistics concepts.

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Stephen Wolfram Livecoding at SXSW

Stephen Wolfram Livecoding at SXSW
Archived Event | FREE

In this unscripted livecoding session from SXSW, Stephen Wolfram introduces knowledge-based programming and discusses the accessibility of Wolfram Language in the cloud. Taking suggestions from the audience, he demonstrates computational examples using imported data from websites, textual data, sound, music and images, as well as cloud deployment capabilities for presentations and more.

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Stewart Platform Model Design

Stewart Platform Model Design
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: The course is for those who are experienced with Mathematica and System Modeler.

This video focuses on building a model of a six-degree-of-freedom Stewart platform. Mathematica is used during modeling to plan the 3D geometry and motion of the platform. After the model is constructed, Mathematica is used for custom visualization.

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Symbolic and Numeric Computation

Symbolic and Numeric Computation
Video Course | FREE

This video course illuminates the powerful combination of symbolic and numeric computing available in the Wolfram Language. See how the numerical functions and methods in the Wolfram Language benefit from symbolic computation with exact numbers, where purely approximate methods may fail. Tips and techniques for using multiple numerical functions together, along with advanced numeric features, are included.

Course Overview
  • Video 130 minutes
  • Video 233 minutes
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System Modeling (Study Group Sessions)

System Modeling (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE

Follow this Study Group to learn how to use Wolfram System Modeler to make complex, hierarchical simulations of all kinds of systems. The first several sessions cover examples ranging from gyroscopes and joysticks in physics to epidemic modeling in biology, to chromatographic columns in chemistry. After covering some fundamental topics with the use of the examples, this Study Group goes on to explain how to create and analyze new models, connect to real-world applications and analyze results with the Wolfram Language and the basics of the Modelica language.

Course Overview
  • Video 150 minutes
  • Video 254 minutes
  • Video 353 minutes
  • Video 451 minutes
  • Video 554 minutes
  • Video 664 minutes
  • Video 760 minutes
  • Video 858 minutes
  • Video 986 minutes
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Test-Driven Development

Test-Driven Development
Video Lesson | FREE

Learn to develop test-first in the Wolfram Language using the testing framework MUnit along with Wolfram Workbench. The details of writing test expressions and testing strategies to ensure that your tests are useful will be explored, along with deployment and workflow integration. The class requires some experience with programming.

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Testing and Modeling Turbines, Gears and Drivelines with the Rotating Machinery Library

Testing and Modeling Turbines, Gears and Drivelines with the Rotating Machinery Library
Archived Event | FREE

This webinar shows the new System Modeler Modelica library for rotating machinery. The Rotating Machinery library allows you to test novel designs or identify faults in rotating machinery like turbines, motors and drivelines. Within the library, you'll find fundamental components of rotating machinery, such as gears, shafts and bearings. These components are designed to be flexible, enabling you to observe deformations and accurately capture real-world responses under different loads, for example, vibrations, deflections and contact stresses.

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That's Random! Or Is It?

That's Random! Or Is It?
Interactive Course | FREE

Requirements: No particular prior knowledge of randomness is required. Knowing how to interpret a bar chart and understanding the terms integer, 2D and 3D would be beneficial.

Certification Levels: Completion

From selecting lottery numbers to testing new medicines, making sure something is truly random is important business. In this Computational Thinking module, you will learn how to recognise randomness, understand what makes something truly random and see how sample size can affect your opinion of randomness. You will explore what random noises, images and shapes look like before going on to generate your own. By learning how to use code to generate these random outputs, you will learn about pseudorandomness—computers’ attempt at true randomness.

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The Code behind Arrival

The Code behind Arrival
Archived Event | FREE

In this recorded livecoding session, Christopher Wolfram discusses the logogram analysis tools he created for the 2016 film Arrival, in response to the request from director Denis Villeneuve and his team to analyze the aliens' fictional, nonlinear visual language and provide code and visualizations for the screen. Christopher demonstrates the development processes he went through, as well as new explorations into the language.

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Time Value of Money

Time Value of Money
Video Lesson | FREE

Requirements: The course is for those who have basic familiarity with Mathematica. General knowledge of mathematics is recommended.

People move money from the present to the future and vice versa through saving and borrowing. To evaluate these transactions, financial analysts weigh present and future cash flows. With customized financial examples, such as discounted cash flows and mortgage valuation, this class introduces the mathematics of time value and the built-in Wolfram Language functions that make calculations quick and easy. This class is for those who have basic familiarity with the Wolfram Language. General knowledge of mathematics is recommended.

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Tips for Writing Fast Code

Tips for Writing Fast Code
Video Lesson | FREE

Improve your skills and save time by writing fast Wolfram Language code. This class explores several ways you can write faster code, including using special data types and parallelizing your code. Basic familiarity with Mathematica or the Wolfram Language is recommended.

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Topics in Artisanal Calculus (Study Group Sessions)

Topics in Artisanal Calculus (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE

Explore lesser-known but incredibly useful topics in calculus. In this Daily Study Group on "artisanal" topics in calculus, learn about umbral calculus, Bell polynomials, the Euler–Maclaurin formula and fractional calculus. See how you can apply methods in calculus to the study of dynamical systems, minimal surfaces and even number theory.

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Understanding Manipulate

Understanding Manipulate
Video Lesson | FREE

This talk discusses the function Manipulate, which forms the basis of interface building in the Wolfram Language. Start with the basics and get an overview of key features that will enable you to take full advantage of this powerful function. Get tips for dealing with the common issues encountered while using Manipulate.

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Using DatabaseLink with Wolfram Language

Using DatabaseLink with Wolfram Language
Video Course | FREE

Discover how to integrate your SQL database operations with the Wolfram Language using the built-in DatabaseLink toolkit. This three-part video series demonstrates how to query the database using either built-in Wolfram Language functions or SQL-style commands. You'll learn to create procedures and functions, work with result sets and use batch operations.

Course Overview
  • Video 116 minutes
  • Video 220 minutes
  • Video 314 minutes
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Using LSP to Develop Wolfram Language Code in Text Editors and IDEs

Using LSP to Develop Wolfram Language Code in Text Editors and IDEs
Video Lesson | FREE

The official Sublime Text package and VS Code extension make it easier to write Wolfram Language in those environments with text coloring and semantic highlighting. The video begins with a brief explanation of how Language Server Protocol (LSP) was used to create the add-ons for other text editors. The video then walks you through the features of the packages that make it easier to write and organize code.

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Using Notebook Initialization Cells

Using Notebook Initialization Cells
Video Lesson | FREE

Initialization cells are cells that are evaluated by the Wolfram Language kernel immediately before the first evaluation performed after a notebook is opened. These can be useful for importing data or setting variables before running any other code. This video will show you different ways to create and use initialization cells. It will also discuss how to save notebooks as package files.

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Using Notebooks Effectively

Using Notebooks Effectively
Video Lesson | FREE

This class introduces Wolfram Notebooks, structured documents that can include text, runnable code, dynamic graphics, user interfaces and more. The hierarchical structure of notebooks is explained, with discussion of cells, cell brackets, styling options, keyboard shortcuts and the Wolfram Predictive Interface that enables a streamlined workflow. Attributes of notebooks that aid in programming are presented, such as the ability to track the history of computation, support for rich data embedding and Iconize functionality. This class is suitable for beginners who are new to Mathematica and includes tips for notebook power users.

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Using Real-World Data in the Classroom

Using Real-World Data in the Classroom
Video Lesson | FREE

This course demonstrates how the Wolfram Language's built-in curated Knowledgebase can be used to bring real-world data, computation and visualization into the classroom for exploration and learning. Examples are given from a sampling of the thousands of represented domains, including chemistry, geography, weather and word data.

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Using Wolfram Documentation

Using Wolfram Documentation
Video Lesson | FREE

Take a tour of the Wolfram Documentation Center, featuring details and options for more than 5,000 built-in symbols grouped by functional areas, as well as examples, guides and workflows. Tips are given for using documentation effectively.

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Course Type

  • Interactive Courses
  • Video Lessons
  • Video Courses
  • Instructor-led Courses
  • Archived and Special Events

Interactive Courses

Also known as MOOCs (massive open online courses), these courses are hosted on the Wolfram Cloud and allow you to interactively explore concepts using Wolfram Language functionality.

  • Self-paced with progress tracking

  • Include video lessons, exercises and problems, quizzes, exams and a scratch notebook

  • Sharable completion certificates available for all courses

  • Wolfram Level 1 proficiency certifications available for select courses

Video Lessons

Short recorded lessons that provide limited instruction on a computational topic or for using Wolfram tech.

  • Quick-start videos

  • Lessons from content experts

  • A wide variety of beginner-level lessons

  • Free to watch

Video Courses

Video series that build on preceding lessons to provide comprehensive instruction.

  • Each video course features a playlist of sequential lessons

  • Recorded by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Comprehensive coverage of a particular topic

  • Free to watch

Instructor-led Courses

Scheduled as online and in-person classes, these courses provide comprehensive instruction guided by a live instructor.

  • Registration required to reserve your seat

  • Taught by Wolfram certified instructors

  • Opportunity to pose live questions to experts in the room

  • Course completion certificates available

Archived and Special Events

Presentations by Wolfram developers, content experts and instructors.

  • Webinars on special topics and new release functionality

  • Livecoding sessions

  • Wolfram Daily Study Groups

  • Free to watch