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Vladimir Kulinskii

Vladimir Kulinskii

Prof. Vladimir Kulinskii began intensively using Mathematica in 2012 for his research and teaching projects. His current research deals with low-dimensional quantum defects and statistical physics of phase transitions, including dynamic transitions in self-propelling particle systems. He is a resource for his colleagues and diploma and PhD students in his academic department on how to use the power of the Wolfram Language for research, writing scientific papers and presenting results.

Prof. Kulinskii teaches general and advanced physics courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. He especially enjoys using the Wolfram Language with his classes on computer modeling and simulations of physical processes. He also regularly teaches summer school and physics/mathematics camps for pre-college students.


Department of Theoretical Physics, Odessa National University, Ukraine


Doctorate, Kiev National University
PhD in Theoretical Physics, Odessa University


Russian, Ukrainian, English

