All Classes and Courses
Find the resources you need to learn about computational fields and further your understanding of Wolfram technologies.
Click any button to browse all catalog resources in a particular area or use the filters to refine your search. The catalog includes free, self-paced, interactive courses, standalone video lessons, video courses and scheduled instructor-led courses as well as archived and special events. Learn about the different course types.
Mathematica and Wolfram Language for
Mathematics Research and Study (Study Group Sessions)
Mathematica and Wolfram Language for
Mathematics Research and Study (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
This Daily Study Group is designed especially for mathematics graduate students and research professionals but covers topics of interest to an even wider audience. This Study Group will help you make the most of the built-in functionality available in Wolfram Language for advanced studies and research in mathematics—from special functions and visualization to solving differential equations, as well as number theory, combinatorics, differential geometry and more. Participants are encouraged to prepare for this Study Group by attending a Hands-on Start to Mathematica training tutorial.
Course Overview
- Video 162 minutes
- Video 270 minutes
- Video 348 minutes
- Video 457 minutes
- Video 562 minutes
- Video 643 minutes
- Video 761 minutes
- Video 852 minutes
- Video 941 minutes
- Video 1021 minutes
Music Transcription in Wolfram Language
Music Transcription in Wolfram Language
Archived Event | FREE
In this recorded, three-part livecoding series, Christopher Wolfram demonstrates the use of Wolfram Language to analyze and explore audio data. Built-in functions are used to identify the fundamental and harmonic tones corresponding to notes in an imported music file by estimating their frequencies. The technique for separation of notes is showcased with examples. The identified notes, along with their corresponding frequencies and amplitudes, are used to synthesize music. Christopher also shows how all the necessary basic computation steps can be combined to construct generalized functions for music transcription.
Course Overview
- Video 1107 minutes
- Video 288 minutes
New in Wolfram Language 13 Webinar Series
New in Wolfram Language 13 Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE
Learn about what's new in the latest major release of Mathematica and the Wolfram Language in this multipart webinar series. The first session features a fast-paced overview of Version 13 plus presentations on new functionality for video computation and machine learning in the Wolfram Language. Each of the later sessions is dedicated to a significant area of new and enhanced functionality: calculus and algebra, graphs and networks, spatial statistics and geometric computation, blockchains, and visualization and geographic visualization.
Course Overview
- Video 1113 minutes
- Video 278 minutes
- Video 3104 minutes
- Video 473 minutes
- Video 584 minutes
New in Wolfram Language 13.1 Webinar Series
New in Wolfram Language 13.1 Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE
Learn about what's new in the latest release of Wolfram Language in this three-part webinar series. The first session includes an overview of the latest functionality in Version 13.1 as well as a presentation on the new notebook toolbar and other front end improvements. The second webinar covers what's new in calculus and algebra, with a focus on fractional calculus. The third webinar in the series shares updates in machine learning, new video functions and the tree construct.
Course Overview
- Video 181 minutes
- Video 275 minutes
- Video 388 minutes
New in Wolfram Language 13.2
New in Wolfram Language 13.2
Archived Event | FREE
Learn about new functionality for astro computation, as well as substantially enhanced functions for machine learning, trees, mathematical computations, video and more. This webinar shows how the updates relate to the areas of programming, images and visualization, data science, mathematics, system modeling and astronomy.
Learn MoreNew in Wolfram Language 13.3 Webinar Series
New in Wolfram Language 13.3 Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE
There's a lot that's new in Version 13.3 of Wolfram Language and Mathematica, including a built-in subsystem around LLMs. Since the launch 35 years ago of Version 1.0, the long-term objective at Wolfram has always been to build a full-scale computational language that can represent everything computationally, in a way that’s effective for both computers and humans. This three-part webinar series features Chat Notebooks, LLMFunctions, math milestones, AR-VR publishing, interactive visualizations and system models for real-world data. Our experts show you ways in which our language has become a unique bridge between humans, AIs and computation.
Course Overview
- Video 177 minutes
- Video 253 minutes
- Video 366 minutes
New in Wolfram Language 14 Webinar Series
New in Wolfram Language 14 Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE
Building on the amazing amount of new functionality released in Versions 13.0–13.3 of Wolfram Language, Version 14 delivers the fruits of the research and development collected over the past two years. The biggest news relates to AI and LLMs like ChatGPT. This webinar series starts with an overview presentation, with later webinars covering in-depth topics.
Course Overview
- Video 175 minutes
- Video 276 minutes
- Video 391 minutes
- Video 473 minutes
- Video 563 minutes
New LLM Functionality in Wolfram Language
New LLM Functionality in Wolfram Language
Archived Event | FREE
Learn from Wolfram Notebook and repository experts about LLM technology built into Wolfram Language 13.3. In this archived webinar series, you'll see the new integrated LLM functions, Chat Notebooks and easily available prewritten prompts stored in the new Wolfram Prompt Repository.
Course Overview
- Video 160 minutes
- Video 237 minutes
- Video 336 minutes
Notebook-based Workflows for Data Explorations
(Study Group Sessions)
Notebook-based Workflows for Data Explorations
(Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
Discover the different workflows included with Wolfram's extensive documentation system. Learn about the detailed, step-by-step recipes for the computational tasks needed to build more complex technical projects. These videos start with a brief introduction to Wolfram Notebooks and then quickly move to more practical tasks like importing data, creating visualizations and doing basic analysis. You will be instructed in utilizing the user-friendly notebook environment and the elegance of the Wolfram Language to quickly create interactive interfaces to aid your data explorations and visualizations.
Course Overview
- Video 152 minutes
- Video 251 minutes
- Video 358 minutes
- Video 457 minutes
- Video 587 minutes
Playing Around with Government Data in Wolfram Language
Playing Around with Government Data in Wolfram Language
Archived Event | FREE
In this recorded, three-part livecoding series, Christopher Wolfram shows how Wolfram Language can be used to analyze systematically curated data. Semantic interpretation combined with the ability to work with numerical as well as textual data provides a robust framework for data analysis. Dataset functionalities, along with visualization functions built into the language, help to explore various attributes of the data and to draw relevant conclusions. Example datasets are investigated; in particular, geo-computation capabilities of Wolfram Language are showcased to view the geographic distribution of a specific parameter.
Course Overview
- Video 1123 minutes
- Video 212 minutes
- Video 3112 minutes
Playing Around with Language Data in Wolfram Language
Playing Around with Language Data in Wolfram Language
Archived Event | FREE
In this recorded, two-part livecoding series, Christopher Wolfram explores the linguistic data built into Wolfram Language, including multilingual dictionaries and information on word meaning, structure, usage and the relationship between words. Examples of word translation and transliteration in various languages are shown. The LanguageData symbol is used along with visualization and graphing functionality to gain linguistic insights.
Course Overview
- Video 125 minutes
- Video 274 minutes
Powering Higher Education with Computational Technology
Webinar Series
Powering Higher Education with Computational Technology
Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE
Learn about using Wolfram Notebooks in your courses and in the classroom to increase student engagement and promote concept exploration. Encourage group collaboration by sharing notebooks in the Wolfram Cloud, and explore the educational potential of Wolfram|Alpha. This three-part webinar series provides a gateway to making your content interactive with powerful computational tools immediately accessible to students, teachers and researchers.
Course Overview
- Video 144 minutes
- Video 245 minutes
- Video 339 minutes
Programming Tutorials (Study Group Sessions)
Programming Tutorials (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
Follow this Study Group to go beyond the basics of the Wolfram Language and learn more about practical programming. The earlier sessions introduce the concept of using functional programming to work with data and build simple user interfaces, clearing the way for the later sessions to dive deeper into the details of scoping, more complex function building and utilizing the Wolfram Knowledgebase. The final sessions round out this Study Group by reviewing package development and covering Wolfram Workbench, our Eclipse-based IDE for the Wolfram Language.
Course Overview
- Video 156 minutes
- Video 255 minutes
- Video 338 minutes
- Video 457 minutes
- Video 545 minutes
- Video 644 minutes
- Video 747 minutes
- Video 853 minutes
- Video 952 minutes
- Video 1039 minutes
- Video 1150 minutes
- Video 1258 minutes
- Video 1353 minutes
- Video 1447 minutes
- Video 1546 minutes
- Video 1643 minutes
- Video 1745 minutes
Software Development Webinar Series
Software Development Webinar Series
Archived Event | FREE
Add a new layer of performance and automation to your entire development workflow—from prototype to production. The presentations included in this webinar series cover built-in Wolfram Language functionality for parallelization, cloud deployment and database integration.
Course Overview
- Video 1104 minutes
- Video 247 minutes
- Video 324 minutes
- Video 416 minutes
- Video 520 minutes
- Video 614 minutes
- Video 716 minutes
Solving ODEs and PDEs with Wolfram Language (Study Group Sessions)
Solving ODEs and PDEs with Wolfram Language (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
This Daily Study Group covers techniques for solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) using Wolfram Language. It introduces the built-in function DSolve for finding symbolic solutions to differential equations and the built-in function NDSolve, a general numerical differential equation solver. Topics covered include the numerical method of lines, the finite element method (FEM), the use and construction of meshes, boundary value problems and eigenvalue problems.
Course Overview
- Video 158 minutes
- Video 256 minutes
- Video 352 minutes
- Video 453 minutes
- Video 555 minutes
Stephen Wolfram Livecoding at SXSW
Stephen Wolfram Livecoding at SXSW
Archived Event | FREE
In this unscripted livecoding session from SXSW, Stephen Wolfram introduces knowledge-based programming and discusses the accessibility of Wolfram Language in the cloud. Taking suggestions from the audience, he demonstrates computational examples using imported data from websites, textual data, sound, music and images, as well as cloud deployment capabilities for presentations and more.
Learn MoreSystem Modeling (Study Group Sessions)
System Modeling (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
Follow this Study Group to learn how to use Wolfram System Modeler to make complex, hierarchical simulations of all kinds of systems. The first several sessions cover examples ranging from gyroscopes and joysticks in physics to epidemic modeling in biology, to chromatographic columns in chemistry. After covering some fundamental topics with the use of the examples, this Study Group goes on to explain how to create and analyze new models, connect to real-world applications and analyze results with the Wolfram Language and the basics of the Modelica language.
Course Overview
- Video 150 minutes
- Video 254 minutes
- Video 353 minutes
- Video 451 minutes
- Video 554 minutes
- Video 664 minutes
- Video 760 minutes
- Video 858 minutes
- Video 986 minutes
Testing and Modeling Turbines, Gears and Drivelines with the Rotating Machinery Library
Testing and Modeling Turbines, Gears and Drivelines with the Rotating Machinery Library
Archived Event | FREE
This webinar shows the new System Modeler Modelica library for rotating machinery. The Rotating Machinery library allows you to test novel designs or identify faults in rotating machinery like turbines, motors and drivelines. Within the library, you'll find fundamental components of rotating machinery, such as gears, shafts and bearings. These components are designed to be flexible, enabling you to observe deformations and accurately capture real-world responses under different loads, for example, vibrations, deflections and contact stresses.
Learn MoreThe Code behind Arrival
The Code behind Arrival
Archived Event | FREE
In this recorded livecoding session, Christopher Wolfram discusses the logogram analysis tools he created for the 2016 film Arrival, in response to the request from director Denis Villeneuve and his team to analyze the aliens' fictional, nonlinear visual language and provide code and visualizations for the screen. Christopher demonstrates the development processes he went through, as well as new explorations into the language.
Learn MoreTopics in Artisanal Calculus (Study Group Sessions)
Topics in Artisanal Calculus (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
Explore lesser-known but incredibly useful topics in calculus. In this Daily Study Group on "artisanal" topics in calculus, learn about umbral calculus, Bell polynomials, the Euler–Maclaurin formula and fractional calculus. See how you can apply methods in calculus to the study of dynamical systems, minimal surfaces and even number theory.
Learn MoreWolfram GPT (Study Group Sessions)
Wolfram GPT (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
Wolfram gives ChatGPT computational superpowers by allowing it to call on Wolfram|Alpha—and Wolfram Language as well—for powerful computation, curated knowledge, real-time data, visualization and even writing code. Join this Daily Study Group and learn how you can inject computation into your ChatGPT conversations, solve math problems reliably, access accurate data and develop human+AI workflows.
Course Overview
- Video 131 minutes
- Video 229 minutes
- Video 350 minutes
- Video 441 minutes
- Video 540 minutes
Wolfram Language Certification Prep (Study Group Sessions)
Wolfram Language Certification Prep (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
Refresh and enhance your Wolfram Language knowledge and prepare for the Level 1 certification exam. In these sessions, we review core areas of the language, including programming, graphics and visualization, machine learning and cloud functionality. In the final session, we look at exam practice questions.
Course Overview
- Video 160 minutes
- Video 259 minutes
- Video 357 minutes
- Video 459 minutes
- Video 561 minutes
Wolfram Language Introductory Tutorials (Study Group Sessions)
Wolfram Language Introductory Tutorials (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
Follow this Study Group to learn the Wolfram Language from the ground up—no prior experience necessary. The first few sessions provide a working understanding of patterns, functions, data structure and datasets. While this Study Group is aimed at beginners, other sessions cover subjects often saved for more advanced users, including graphics, data visualization, simple user interfaces and even machine learning. A number of mini projects are provided along the way to help participants apply lecture concepts to real-world problems.
Course Overview
- Video 149 minutes
- Video 249 minutes
- Video 355 minutes
- Video 451 minutes
- Video 528 minutes
- Video 649 minutes
- Video 755 minutes
- Video 852 minutes
- Video 956 minutes
- Video 1026 minutes
- Video 1185 minutes
- Video 1251 minutes
- Video 1348 minutes
- Video 1449 minutes
- Video 1522 minutes
- Video 1650 minutes
- Video 1749 minutes
- Video 1852 minutes
- Video 1950 minutes
- Video 2051 minutes
Wolfram System Modeler for Engineering (Study Group Sessions)
Wolfram System Modeler for Engineering (Study Group Sessions)
Archived Event | FREE
Learn from the experts about using Wolfram System Modeler for model-based systems engineering. This group covers creating your own models, connecting to real-world applications and analysis with the Wolfram Language, including examples from thermal engineering, biology and digital circuits.
Course Overview
- Video 155 minutes
- Video 252 minutes
- Video 356 minutes
- Video 458 minutes
- Video 561 minutes
- Video 657 minutes
- Video 752 minutes
- Video 860 minutes
- Video 987 minutes
Course Type
- Interactive Courses
- Video Lessons
- Video Courses
- Instructor-led Courses
- Archived and Special Events
Interactive Courses
Also known as MOOCs (massive open online courses), these courses are hosted on the Wolfram Cloud and allow you to interactively explore concepts using Wolfram Language functionality.
Self-paced with progress tracking
Include video lessons, exercises and problems, quizzes, exams and a scratch notebook
Sharable completion certificates available for all courses
Wolfram Level 1 proficiency certifications available for select courses
Video Lessons
Short recorded lessons that provide limited instruction on a computational topic or for using Wolfram tech.
Quick-start videos
Lessons from content experts
A wide variety of beginner-level lessons
Free to watch
Video Courses
Video series that build on preceding lessons to provide comprehensive instruction.
Each video course features a playlist of sequential lessons
Recorded by Wolfram certified instructors
Comprehensive coverage of a particular topic
Free to watch
Instructor-led Courses
Scheduled as online and in-person classes, these courses provide comprehensive instruction guided by a live instructor.
Registration required to reserve your seat
Taught by Wolfram certified instructors
Opportunity to pose live questions to experts in the room
Course completion certificates available
Archived and Special Events
Presentations by Wolfram developers, content experts and instructors.
Webinars on special topics and new release functionality
Livecoding sessions
Wolfram Daily Study Groups
Free to watch